Coffee beans contain antioxidant and metabolism-increasing properties. Because of their potential use for weight-loss, many diet pills contain extract from green coffee beans. The roasting process carmelizes the internal sugars of coffee beans, giving them their bold and often multi-faceted flavors. Brewed green coffee by itself does not have a very strong taste, making the pill-form the ideal method of consumption.
Caffeine Effects
Caffeine intake typically increases energy, metabolism and suppression of hunger, while promoting a general sense of awareness and well-being. Caffeine intake can also irritate the lining of the stomach, which is why it's best not to drink coffee on an empty stomach. (Bananas are an excellent food for protecting the stomach lining from coffee.) Too much caffeine can also increase heart-rate and blood pressure and cause a jittery feeling. Green coffee extract, however, contains only a small amount of caffeine, thus reducing the negative effects.
Other Effects
The roasting process for coffee beans potentially reduces their fat-burning properties by reducing the amount of chlorogenetic acid, while at the same time generating different antioxidants. As a dieting strategy, extract of green unroasted coffee beans in diet pills and supplements are more efficient because its antioxidants are more concentrated, potentially allowing other natural extracts to be part of the pill. Increased antioxidant intake burns existing fat and other toxins, and reduces free-radicals. Other studies have shown the consumption of coffee to decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.
One Japanese study involving mice, documented at BioMed Central, has concluded that the caffeine and chlorogenic acid in green coffee extract to both suppress fat absorption in the liver and reduce existing body fat. However, the components of caffeine and chlorogenic acid by themselves did not create as much of an effect as the green coffee extract in its entirety.
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