If you want to feel less bloated or are attempting to clean out your body of toxins, then this free one-week plan may be what you're looking for. You may also be searching for the right diet and want to try one out for a week before committing. Whatever the reason, before going on any diet, you should always discuss it first with your doctor.
Reduced Calorie Diets
There are many one-week low calorie diet plans that are available online. They state that in one week, you will lose weight. Some even boast that you will look better by the weekend. All these diets have a common theme: Eat less and eat healthy. Ladies Home Journal's one-week diet plan involves eating 500 less calories a day than you are currently eating, as well as exercising enough to burn 250 calories a day. This one-week diet plan includes eating whole grain cereals, sandwich wraps, taco salad and fresh fruit. It also states that cutting 500 calories a day could, for some people, be as simple as cutting out calorie drinks like sodas and sweet tea. To burn 250 calories, you could for example, take a 20-minute brisk walk, followed by climbing stairs for 10 minutes.
Another free one-week low-calorie diet menu plan is the DTOUR diet created by health and fitness experts from Prevention Magazine. While the diet is designed to help persons with diabetes control their blood sugar levels, it is a diet everyone can do. It will not only lower your blood sugar, it also burns fat. The free one-week menu plan available online includes eating vegetable omelets, yogurt, whole wheat pancakes, tuna and pork tenderloin.
Detox Diet
A detox diet is designed to help you lose weight while cleaning out your body of unhealthy toxins. There is quite a bit of controversy over detox diets (see Resources), so again, be sure you discuss this option with your doctor before beginning.
There are many one-week detox diet plans, including one designed by Dr. Kiki Sidhwa, author of "The Quintessence of Natural Hygiene for Health and Happiness." His detox diet should actually begin by drinking only purified water for three days prior to the actual eating part of the diet. Then for a week, you will eat one kind of fruit at a time. For example, you will eat only cantaloupe for breakfast, only oranges for lunch and then only bananas for dinner. After a week, you should feel much healthier and weigh a bit less. He then suggests you go on an all raw food diet if you want to continue the detoxification process.
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